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Summer Newsletter

The Summer Edition of St. Michael’s Quarterly Newsletter is out and you can read the latest articles, news and updates - including a review of the St. Michael’s Pantomime and a reflection on the Bread of Life from our Curate, Rev. Josh.

Diary of a Church Dog

Gosh doesn’t time fly! I am now 6 months old and as yet I have not developed a singing voice like my predecessor. I have, however, gone where he was not allowed (Mumma says he was too naughty to do it). Yes, I made my first stage appearance in the St Michael’s panto - ‘The Three Musketeers’. I had enjoyed attending all the rehearsals and had watched and listened as their ‘dancing’ and French accents improved. Then come the time for the performances I slept, for the most part, in my basket backstage. However on the final night I decided that I had been backstage long enough and the only place for me was in the limelight. So after a small protest Mumma took me on stage in her arms and I absolutely loved it - all those people staring and adoring me was all I needed. I behaved exceptionally well and simply soaked up the adoration. Next year I will demand a part.

The panto itself was a riot of joyous exuberance. The music (a lot of Sondheim) was brilliant and the costumes were amazing, especially the Musketeers’ tights! The acting was truly OTT, just what you need for a panto, and don’t get me started on the accents! Mumma produces these every year and along with a hard core team of regulars, both on and off stage, plus newbies, the St Michael’s tradition for a jolly good romp of a panto was most certainly upheld this year. Setting the classic Dumas novel as a panto was a step some might say impossible, but the characterization and indeed the truth to the original story was well done. Who knows, perhaps next year I could star in an adaptation of another classic novel… Snoopy the Panto? Call of the Wild the Panto?

The second occasion where I made an entrance was Easter Day. When I saw mumma in her frock, shoes and hat I decided I wanted to put something special on too so I wore my little tutu dress. I thought I looked splendid. Easter deserves our best but so often I, in my 6 short months, have noticed the tendency, we dress down. However, I was told what Easter was all about and I decided that it deserved nothing more than my very best. I have already started shopping for next year’s outfit so watch this space!

Much love, Tilly.